Family Financial Support

Jennifer Ashleigh Children’s Charity provides timely financial support to families caring for children in medical crisis, when they need it most.

Qualifying Criteria: (Applicants must qualify for all 7 points listed below)

  1. A major medical event has occurred with your child.
  2. The event requires your child to be admitted to a hospital for a minimum stay of 2 weeks (NOTE i)
  3. This event is greatly impacting your family’s routine and finances AND you have additional expenses directly related to this event
  4. Total gross household income (line 15000 on Notice of Assessment) must be $65,000 or less (NOTE ii) 
  5. Child is an Ontario RESIDENT
  6. Child is a permanent resident or Canadian citizen
  7. Applicant must be 18 years or younger. Eligibility runs up until the child’s 19th birthday.



i. Intensive day patient or outpatient treatment, or a shorter inpatient stay followed by intensive day patient or outpatient treatment could be considered on a case by case basis.

ii. Exception only if there is more than one child that qualifies under JACC’s guidelines


Applications are limited to once in a 12-month period, per child.

What do you need to apply?

  • A completed Application for Family Financial Support, through our online portal: APPLY HERE.
    • Application may be completed by the family or a healthcare worker on their behalf.
  • The following must be submitted with your online application:
    • Letter of support, written by a healthcare worker at the hospital the child is receiving treatment from. Letter must:
      • Clearly state child’s name and date of birth
      • Summarize the major medical event
      • Specify the length of hospital stay or intensive outpatient treatment
      • Describe the financial impact on household income because of the major medical event 
    • Previous year’s Notice of Assessment(s) for the household, clearly showing tax year, name, and gross income (line 15000). Tax year we are accepting: 2023
  • The following are optional documents:
    • Quote for item requested, if applicable (example: medical equipment) 
    • Proof of additional funding, if applicable (example: medical equipment)

*Your application will not be processed without the required documents. If missing documents are not received within two months of your submission date, the application will be closed*

How we can help:

  • Accommodation costs while staying away from home to care for your hospitalized child
  • Transportation expenses incurred going back and forth to hospital appointments/treatments
  • Essential housing support (rent/utilities) due to increased expenses and lost wages so parents can be at their child’s bedside 
  • Meal support when on the road due to child’s extended hospital stay
  • Vehicle repairs to ensure reliable transportation for hospital visits/treatments
  • Prescription medications not covered by OHIP or extended health benefits
  • Disposable medical supplies not covered by government programs or insurance
  • Specialized equipment that aids in the transition from hospital to home (ex: adaptive trike, mobility and sleeping aids) –  please include quote and proof of additional funds secured
  • Assessment and session fees for rehabilitative therapy related to the major medical event.
  • Sibling childcare to enable parents to be with their child during the hospital stay
  • 1:1 Respite Care to provide parents time for self-care and the flexibility to return to work following an extended hospital stay with their child


Please Note:

  • The request must be linked to the medical event.
  • The family must exercise efforts to access all available government and third-party funding.
  • If you own more than one property or home, you are not eligible for assistance.
  • We cannot reimburse for expenses incurred prior to approval.

What to expect after you apply:

  • You will be contacted if you have submitted incorrect documentation or we need additional documentation. Please ensure you check your junk mail.
  • If you are approved, you will receive a letter via email that will specify what you have been approved for and how to use the funds.
PLEASE NOTE: Gifting policies may be changed by Jennifer Ashleigh Children’s Charity at any time without notice. 


Still have questions? Please review our FAQs below.


Yes. They are eligible to apply up to their 19th birthday. 

Notice of Assessments are a required piece of documentation. We cannot assist without Notice of Assessment(s) for the household. 

The first step is to request a copy of page 2 of the approval letter that the family would have received. This page includes our billing policies and approval details; what the funding is to be used for, when the funding can be used, and how to submit invoices to us. All invoices must be received prior to the expiry date to allow time for processing. If they are received after this date they will not be paid. Payment will be made within 30 days of receipt. We are a small organization with limited staff and do our best to process payments in a timely manner; your patience/understanding is appreciated.

Please understand we are a small organization. We aim to respond within 3 business days.

We do our best to process applications within 2-5 business days. Please note that incomplete applications will experience a delay until all documentation is received.

We communicate all approvals by email. Please include a valid email address on your application, and check your junk mail. 

No. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to track funds as they are used.

Applications are limited to once every 12 months. Please note that you must meet all 7 of our qualifying criteria at the time of applying.

For further questions, please contact Bryn Evans: financialsupport@jenash.org